Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) Parent Member Information
The Benton-Stearns Education District SEAC
• Advises the Education District on current issues, program development, parental concerns and involvement
• Serves as an advocate for high-quality special education programs
• Promotes communication between family, school and community
Members of the SEAC will serve for one year with the opportunity to stay on longer. The council consists of 12-15 members, including parents representing each of the 6 member districts, community representatives, and school staff. At least 50 percent of the members must be parents of students who have a variety of disabilities.
Review and abide by SEAC bylaws, including confidentiality of person-specific information shared in meetings or in SEAC related activities.
Attend scheduled meetings: To remain in current standing, members are required to attend at least 50 percent of the meetings scheduled in a year.
Prepare for meetings: Read SEAC agendas, minutes, reports, and related materials. Provide request input prior to meetings. Come prepared to discuss agenda items using relevant examples or supporting information.
Participate in meetings: Provide requested feedback. Contribute ideas for solutions. Identify barriers or challenges experienced by other families; represent family concerns; focus on student needs as a group, rather than on individual student concerns. Share personal experiences as they relate to decisions regarding policies and procedures; ask clarifying questions.
Encourage parent involvement and participation; participate in community awareness activities and information sharing with families in the district.
Work collaboratively with the education district's special education director as well as other school personnel and SEAC parent and community member to fulfill the local SEAC's purpose and mission.
For questions about SEAC please contact Erin Dohrmann: edohrmann@bentonstearns.k12.mn.us
​2024-25 Meeting Dates:
April 28, 2025
2023-24 Meeting Dates: