Benton-Stearns CTIC Mission Statement
Benton-Stearns Community Transition Interagency Committee will facilitate the network of agencies to provide improved transition services to young adults with disabilities. The committee will work to identify barriers, promote community integration, foster self-sufficiency and participation for young adults with disabilities, and to inform young adults and families of the options available in the community.
Location: All of Benton County and the eastern half of Stearns County
Schedule: Four meetings of the whole committee are conducted per year.
Membership: Parents, secondary special education teachers and special education coordinators represent the school districts. Other agencies represented include: Benton and Stearns County Social Services, DRS, CILs, St. Cloud Hospital, Community Education, Mental Health Services, Stearns-Benton Employment and Training Council, WACOSA, St. Cloud WorkForce, Rise, Arc Midstate, Independent Center, Opportunity Services, UCP, Spot Rehab, St. Cloud Community Education, Goodwill/Easter Seals, Public Health.
CTIC CO-Chairs: The Benton-Stearns CTIC elects co-chairs; one person represents member agencies and one person represents member school districts. This year the co-chairs are:
Amy Johnson (Sauk Rapids-Rice Schools) and Brian Valentine (SCSU).
These projects along with various efforts by individuals and subcommittee members promote progress toward accomplishment of this CTIC's state goals:
Identify additional agencies that should be represented on the Benton-Stearns CTIC.
Incorporate more consumer and parent involvement into the development of the CTIC goals, activities and subcommittees.
Facilitate Development of a process for anticipating post-secondary service needs of students.
Increase parent and persons with disabilities awareness of community transition supports.
Provide continuous growth and development on transition strategies of CTIC members.
Develop a continuous community planning process to ensure alignment of community services and parent and you with disability needs.
Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting:
April 28, 2022
Vocational Rehabilitation Resources: https://mn.gov/deed/job-seekers/disabilities/